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Eethi is a platform where people can find freelance work or hire freelancers for various tasks.

As a freelancer, you create a profile showcasing your skills and expertise. Employers watch your service, and if they intrested in your services they consult about the work if they agree then order on your service, you complete the work and get paid.

Yes, it’s free to sign up and create a profile on Eethi. However, Eethi might take a small percentage of your earnings when you complete a job.

Eethi offers various payment methods like direct bank transfer, PayPal, or other payment platforms. Once you complete a job and the client approves it, you’ll receive your payment through your chosen method.

You can browse through the job listings on Eethi’s platform. You can also set up notifications for jobs that match your skills, so you’ll be alerted when relevant jobs are posted.

Make sure to fill out your profile completely and accurately, highlighting your skills and past experience. Upload a professional photo and provide examples of your previous work if possible.

If you encounter any problems with a client, you can reach out to Eethi’s support team for assistance. They can help mediate disputes and resolve issues.

Yes, one of the great things about freelancing on Eethi is that you can work from anywhere with an internet connection, as long as you have the necessary skills to complete the job.

Generally, there are no strict requirements to become a freelancer on Eethi. However, having relevant skills and experience in your chosen field will increase your chances of landing jobs.

Eethi takes security seriously and has measures in place to protect both Freelancers and Employer. However, it’s essential to use caution and common sense when interacting with clients and completing jobs online. If you encounter any suspicious activity, you should report it to Eethi’s support team immediately.